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SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT   (3) Do you wish correspondence to be sent to you or your agent  (4) (a) Reference Number of Planning Application  (b) Date of Submission  (c) Date of Decision Notice (if applicable)  (5) Address of Appeal Property (6) Description of Proposal (7)  (8) If the Local Review Body determines that it requires further information on specified matters please indicate which of the following procedure you would prefer to provide such information :- Dealt with by written submission Dealt with by Local Hearing  Dealt with by written submission and site inspection  Dealt with by local hearing and site inspection NB It is a matter solely for the Local Review Body to determine if further information is required and, if so, how it should be obtained. (9) Please list in the schedule all documentation submitted as part of the application for review ensuring that each document corresponds to the numbering in the sections below:- Schedule of documents submitted with Notice of Review (Note: 3 paper copies of each of the documents referred to in the schedule below must be attached): No. Detail1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 If insufficient space please continue on a separate page. Is this is attached? (Please tick to confirm)  Submitted by (Please Sign) Dated Important Notes for Guidance All matters which the applicant intends to raise in the review must be set out in or accompany this Notice of Review All documents, materials and evidence which the applicant intends to rely on in the Review must accompany the Notice of Review UNLESS further information is required under Regulation 15 or by authority of the Hearing Session Rules. Guidance on the procedures can be found on the Councils website  HYPERLINK "http://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/" www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/ If in doubt how to proceed please contact 01546 604406 or email  HYPERLINK "mailto:localreviewprocess@argyll-bute.gov.uk" localreviewprocess@argyll-bute.gov.uk Once completed this form can be either emailed to  HYPERLINK "mailto:localreviewprocess@argyll-bute.gov.uk" localreviewprocess@argyll-bute.gov.uk or returned by post to Committee Services (Local Review Board), Kilmory, Lochgilphead, Ů, PA31 8RT HYPERLINK "mailto:planningreview@argyll-bute.gov.uk"  You will receive an acknowledgement of this form, usually by electronic mail (if applicable), within 14 days of the receipt of your form and supporting documentation. If you have any queries relating to the completion of this form please contact Committee Services on 01546 604406 or email  HYPERLINK "mailto:localreviewprocess@argyll-bute.gov.uk" localreviewprocess@argyll-bute.gov.uk For official use only  Date form issued  Issued by (please sign)     OFFICIAL USE Date Received Ref: AB1 (2) AGENT (if any) Name Address Postcode Tel. No. Email (1) APPLICANT FOR REVIEW Name Address Postcode Tel. No. Email Please set out the detailed reasons for requesting the review:- If insufficient space please continue on a separate page. Is this is attached? (Please tick to confirm) IJKdehyT ] ` I J a b c d e f h ȡ|phpVGphVhVhVjh9hFH\OJQJU"jhFH\OJQJUmHnHuhFH\OJQJjhFH\OJQJUh5OJQJhh5CJ OJQJhh5CJ$OJQJh>"h0JOJQJ#jh>"hOJQJUhOJQJjhOJQJUhhhCJ$OJQJhhCJ$OJQJ"jhOJQJUmHnHufghyzR S T H I f i   : < \ ] ^ _ } gd$a$gd   : ; ? 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